Member Savings and Insurance Benefits
In providing our services to your our members, St Paul’s are aware that savings security, protection and assurance are essential requirements in trusting your main financial provider.
There are many benefits to being a member of St Paul’s credit union, some of which come at direct cost to you.
To learn more about these benefits, click on the headings below:
Credit Unions in the Republic of Ireland are covered by the Deposit Protection Scheme which is administered by the Financial Regulator. This is a scheme that can provide compensation to depositors if a credit institution is forced to go out of business. It covers deposits held with Banks, Building Societies and Credit Unions. The maximum amount a member can receive under this scheme is €100,000, per person, per institution.
In addition to this, the Savings Protection Scheme (SPS) owned and operated by the Irish League of Credit Unions is also available to pro-actively intervene to protect members’ savings by making available financial assistance to help any Credit Union which may experience difficulties.
Also, members’ savings are insured through Life Savings insurance (see toggle below).
Deposit Gurantee Scheme
The Deposit Guarantee Scheme covers your funds in St. Paul’s including:
- Current Accounts
- Deposit Account
- Share Accounts
- Payment Accounts
- Budget Accounts
Download Deposit Guarantee Scheme – Depositor Information Sheet
Loan Protection Insurance is the insurance cover the Credit Union provides on the lives of its borrowing members.
Should an insured borrower die, or become totally and permanently disabled for any occupation, the insurance cover provides that the loan is repaid in full. If a member who is eligible for insurance cover and has signed the credit agreement dies with a loan outstanding, the loan balance is paid in full by the insurer.
Loan Protection Insurance is payable on the death of the eligible member, subject to policy terms and conditions.
- The insurance benefit payable is the amount of the member’s outstanding loan balance
- Cover ceases on the member’s 85th birthday.
- The total and permanent disability must be medically determined.
- The total and permanent disability must commence before the 65th birthday
Is there a charge for this insurance?
Loan Protection Insurance is paid for by St Paul’s. There is no direct cost to the Member.
Are joint accounts insured?
Yes. Both parties to a joint account are insured, subject to eligibility.
Life Savings insurance pays a benefit, to a maximum of €12,700, on your Shares at the time of your death. There is 100% cover on Shares lodged before age 55 for amounts up to €12,700. The cover is on a reducing scale on Shares lodged between ages 55 and 69. Terms and Conditions apply.
The maximum insurance benefit of €12,700 can only be gained by having at least €12,700 in Shares before age 55 and maintaining a balance of at least €12,700 in Shares until death.
If you are 55 years of age or over, withdrawal of your Shares below €12,700 could have a negative impact on this cover.
Joint Accounts – The Life Savings Insurance only applies to the first name on the account.
St. Paul’s pay a Grant of €2,500 to the next of kin/family on the death of a member with an active account in St Paul’s. The grant is to support families at a time of loss and to assist with funeral expenses.
Conditions include:
- The deceased member must have joined St. Paul’s before 70 yrs of age
- They must have a minimum balance of €1,000
- The account must be an active account